Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015

Hello, 2k15! Hello, upcoming Fashion Week!

Hey, sweeties!

I know it has been a while since I last blogged and I am so sorry that I was M.I.A. for so long!! But...
Maybe you're interested in my personal life, maybe not, BUT life wasn't easy...but I guess that's just how it is. Life is not meant to be easy. Also, if I were honest, I would be completely bored if life kept running smoothly all the time.
Anyways, I am back for more. It is less than a week to the Mercedes Benz FASHION WEEK in Berlin and I couldn't be more excited. I am so stocked for what is in for this fall. Keep expecting for a few inside scoops on the fashion week and as you already know, my favourites of the shows. Maybe I'll find out some gossip...all I can say is, look at the front row and you know what is up.
By looking at the front row you know what is happening with a label, who is sitting there and for what purpose? I still remember the year when fashion blogger were sitting in front rows, bless them, but I doubt any of them could afford a proper dress from a good designer. I want to see the A-celebrities in the front rows, no B- or C-celebrities. But let's be honest... the financial crisis hits us all and some labels seem not to be able anymore to afford a good walking advertisement.
So, enough punches were made here, you'll hear from me.

xoxo, Eva

P.s. Also, I decided to keep on blogging in English, because the majority of my readers on here is not from German speaking countries and I expect everyone that is from Germany or Austria to know so much English to understand what I am talking about, love you all...really.

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