Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

Collding Stars, Part II

Hey, sweeties! :)

As I told you in my last post I attended a local band contest, basically to support "Colliding Stars".
Unfortunately they lost and didn't get into the next round. I still have a lot of things to say about
First of all, they took my criticism from last time to heart and got sooo much better. Holy crap, I wanna give
them a pat on the back for it! The first thing I criticized last time was the lack of eye contact with the crowd - this time they all tried really hard and succeeded, Danny just lost the eye contact when they performed the two new songs, but I wanna really point out here that David, who plays bass, always kept eye contact and his eyes were wandering through the crowd constantly, which was amazing.
Also, last time I couldn't really understand the lyrics....and this is what makes me check out a band later, when I hear one line that really stays with me the whole night. Anyway, this time Danny did so much better, his voice was clear at all times and I almost understood every word he was singing.
I really don't know what happened with Dannys voice since last September, but I absolutely love it!! His voice now got kind of rougher, but it really fits him and I have to say that it makes the songs much more interesting.
Of course there are always things lacking and as I already said in my last post, no musician is perfect. But I have to say that the drummer, Simon, kind of lacked in enthusiasm. I have drummers like Travis Barker of Blink-182 in mind here, killing it....he just seemed too concentrated and seemed to lack fun. Maybe I am wrong and I really hope that I am wrong, because fun is what it is about in the end. Another thing what was a pain in my eye that they didn't really run around or jump around on stage...I mean, it was MUCH BETTER than in September, they were at least moving around a little bit this time, still they could do so much more, because there are super long parts in the songs where no lyric is sung, so they could easily go crazy on stage.
This time they played two new songs and I always forget the names of new songs, when I don't have them written up and I am so sorry about it. But the second new song they played (the name of it has something to do with a hotel in Ireland, I think?) reminded me a lot of "Lost In Stereo" by my favourite band All Time Low, especially the opening riff of the song. It was definitely my highlight of the night.

Later me and Laura (a close friend of mine who went with me to the concert) had a really nice talk with Danny and he told us that he wrote the lyrics for their first EP when he was around 13 years old. Can you believe that?! How amazing is that?!! I can't remember what I was thinking with thirteen, but I guess it wasn't anything lyrically or emotionally deep or good. Also he told us that he doesn't like their EP as much as he did at the start, because he's thinking different of things now than he did with thirteen, obviously. But that's what I was gonna say to him anyway, that they should re-do their EP, because Dannys voice changed so much (to the better) that he now sounds completely different than he did back then.
I really can't wait for the new songs to be recorded and published, because they will bring Colliding Stars to a new level.
Which brings me to a very sad fact....they might have to change their band might think now "What is happening?" and honestly me and Laura felt the same, when we heard it. Ok, there is a story behind it. Gary (I don't know if this is how his name is written), a band member, left the band....or they kicked him out...I guess both is true and he now says that they can't keep the name "Colliding Stars", because he (Gary) was involved in the project "Colliding Stars" from the start and he doesn't want them to keep performing with that name.
All I can say is...that this is a big piece of CRAP!!!!!! A band that is already known, a little bit, under a name should never EVER (excuse all the capital letters) change their band name!!!!
GARY, SUCK IT UP and let it go! You are no part of "Colliding Stars" anymore, so shut up!
To the rest of the band, if you're reading this, please stick to your band name! To me personally it is a wonderful band name, a special one and I think it really suits you guys - don't change it at all!!

Alright, this is it. My gossip about a local concert and OMG can you believe that the Fashion Week in Berlin starts tomorrow?!! I feel so stressed. So much blogging to do now, haha
xoxo Eva

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