Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012


It's been a tough week. My diploma practical training started and I got up at 5.30 a.m. every day.
I'm having my first diploma exam in 7 days...keeping my fingers crossed so hard.
But what has been shaking up my life other than that?

dress for the class Christmas party; H&M 29,95 €

I'm officially a redhead now!!

  • this time of the year started where it is allowed to watch 'Home Alone' all day, non-stop, forever, without looking like a hobbit. BEST MOVIE EVER CREATED! :D
  • waffles are the most delicious thing ever!

The last week has been odd. My outfits were utterly boring, so I won't post them, sorry.

Today has not been my day....I broke my Acer laptop. R.I.P. my dearest! :'(((

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