Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012

Splattering Nails

There is this new trend everyone should follow....because of my job (nurse) I am not allowed to paint my nails, but whenever I have a day off I paint my nails in the most up-to-date colours and try everything with different polish.
So last week
I tried splattering nails...they are tricky at first, but then they are easy and they are so much fun to make and look fabulous - you even don't see when the polish starts chipping!


 - paint your nails with a light colour basic polish (green in my case) and allow it to dry thoroughly
disassemble a ballpoint pen so there is just the case left
- put adhesive tape around the nail, so the skin around the nail doesn't get fully splattered
- colour the end of the ballpoint pen with a different nail polish (gold in my case) and puff through the hole (aim at the brand)
- let it dry again and put on a top coat nail polish
- remove the tape and 'repair' the mistakes with nail polish remover

  • my first try looked like shit, I had to repaint 4 (!) nails - don't give up!
  • puff at a tissue at first, so you can see how the splatters will look like and how hard you have to puff and how far you have to hold the end of the pen away from your nails.
  • you have to be fast - the nail polish at the end of the ballpoint pen dries very fast, it happened a lot that there were no splatters, because the polish was already hard!

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