Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

Between the WEEKLY UPDATE and SORRY!

So it has been a longer time since my last post...I didn't want it to be THAT long, but
real life was keeping me more busy than what I've expected.
SORRY that I kept my
readers waiting!

It's really hard to say what happened this week...but I'll try:

1. I passed my first diploma exam!! Yessss, so happy! :D

2. today is the Christmas Party with my class (and partying afterwards)
3. 9 days until Christmas!

4. Thank God that it is Saturday...I am the most tired person at this point; the whole pressure of the diploma exam is now gone and I still have to work 40 hrs per week plus keeping up my real life and
my online life...I slept for 11 hours and I am still tired. But that's life I guess....
5. my CHRISTMAS PARTY DRESS is on sale now! Only 15 € at ! Buy it! ;)
6. Who 'invented' Christmas?! Duh...I tried to buy presents for my loved ones the whole week and it was harder than I've got something for everyone now and spent my whole paycheck on them. Feel like a good girl/daughter/friend now! This is what I bought:

Thomas Sabo; 29.99 € (
photo book; 10 € with photos for 60 €
books, thousand books;
men scarf; 100 € - vintage

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