Mittwoch, 21. November 2012


Lipsy London was founded in 1990 for trendy evening and party clothing. It soon risen to one of the most desirable young fashion brands in the scene.
After Kate Middleton and Paris Hilton were seen in Lipsy dresses the clothing company is now known over the British border.
The special thing about lipsy is that the price of their clothes is set in the middle range which means everyone can buy them. The dresses of this special clothing company are sold in bigger departement stores, online shops, their own online shop and also in little boutiques.
Best about Lipsy is that they don't just 'put out' the usual spring, summer, autumn and winter collection, but also 2-4 additional collection to respond to the newest trends.

Lipsy London is always up-to-date and finds for EVERY special occasion the right dress. The success is an adolescent and sexy design of the dresses which fits for young women and women that are young at heart. She can surrounded with a touch of luxury and glamour for a affordable price.
The flattering, flowing fabrics from which the models are made give them a chic which doesn't need to fear the comparison with the models of exclusive designers.
This touch of exclusivity owes Lipsy London a large part of their success on the European market.
More and more famous, prominent women fall for Lipsy London, even outside the UK.

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