Sonntag, 15. März 2015

Saying goodbye is never easy // fever dreams

Hey sweeties!

I normally should be in bed, sleeping and getting myself healthy again. I've caught a bug and it caused
trouble literally the last few days. Yesterday I felt much better and took it kinda too far . Today it was quite ok until like 1 p.m. and I ate pizza and all. The whole afternoon I was suffering like hell and now I got fever, so I really shouldn't be blogging.
BUT I can't....there is something I have to get off my chest now or I won't be able to rest at all...
my little (ok, he's the same age as me, don't judge) cousin - the closest thing to a brother I will ever
have ('cause I don't have siblings, duh) is going on a big journey tomorrow.
He will leave us for a world travel that will take him away from home for a year and I kinda feel it in my gut that he won't come back. He is a free soul, he isn't meant to be stuck in one place and I think he will find a new temporary home somewhere else after that year. Well, his travel route is quite impressive:
Ireland, USA, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, UK. He is supposed to be back home next March.
I was always pretty close with him and he was always the "little" brother I wish I had and the one I could
give advice to. It kinda turned out that way, 'cause after I returned from my travel he kept asking me about it and he told me how much he dreamed about leaving home and travelling the world. Ever since he dropped that sentence I kinda pushed him to travel himself, I brought it up EVERYTIME we talked.
When he spilt the news to me a little while ago that he plans on travelling and that he finally (!!) got proper plans, I was and I still am so excited for him.
Now tomorrow is the big day for him, but I can't be at the airport to say goodbye. I should be at work, well now I am at home with fever and stomach ache.
Anyway I wrote him a letter a while ago and I cut some parts out over time to make it shorter than the original version, 'cause he's a boy afterall and we all know that they have the concentration of a fly. No, I am kidding, or am I not?

"Dear my beloved favourite cousin,
You're leaving tomorrow, oh my God! I really hope you're not TOO excited. I can't be there tomorrow to say goodbye, but I wish you all the best for your travel, may all your wishes, hopes and all your dreams come true on that travel. Walk with open eyes through the countries you travel to and take everything in what you see, hear and smell. Be curious. Learn about each and every culture and its oddities. Skate wherever and whenever you can. Bend the rules and break some. Learn whenever you find something special that is worth to be learned, because you will learn the small and really important things without noticing it anyway. Make friends with everyone on the road, but stay loyal to your friends at home. Never stop believing in yourself when times get hard and believe me it will be difficult from time to time. Stay brave and strong. Send a few photos home every now and then and let us know that you're safe and sound. I know how you feel, I've been there too. Don't have doubts in yourself and if it was the right decision to leave everything behind for travelling, it was the best decision you've ever made in your life. Take care of yourself, you're the only one you have and trust your instincts, they will help you make the right choices.
I will miss you so much, eventhough we had some tough times in the past and haven't seen each other as much as we wanted to. You inspire me. xx"

I have to say, I teared up a bit, when I wrote that. OMG, it's really time for me to head to bed now.
xoxo Eva

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