Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

Wind Of Change // Update!

Dearest readers,

So, I wanna tell you that this is the last blog entry in way I used to blog the last year....
there were some significant changes in my life/ in 2013 and they made me think about my blog.

I still wanna be there as a Fashion Blogger, but the changes gonna be:
* I am going to post in GERMAN/ DEUTSCH aswell, going to post my entries in both languages, to have more European People reading it
* I wanna get more into street style photography, because that's what I really love. So, I am going to start searching for really good individuals in Graz and wherever my way leads me
I really hope that most of you keep reading, but as my life goes forward, my blog also needs to go forward.....I really hope all of you understand that!

xoxo Eva


1. I am officially a NURSE now! Last Wednesday I had my last diploma exam and on the 26th I am officially getting my diploma in higher education of nursing! So happy about it!

2. I am leaving Austria in April! 3 months India and 3 months Peru, volunteering - here I come! :D

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