Samstag, 8. September 2012


I want to introduce all of my readers to:  AUDREY KITCHING !!
She's a designer, stylist, international model, fashion journalist and so on....or to say it in two words: unique inspiration!
I am fan of that chick for 5 years now and her sense in fashion never disappointed me...she is an big inspiration for me, because she kind of stuck with me through my teenager years and my styling disasters. So the question: 'What would Audrey wear? ' became important to me.
Nowadays my fashion inspirations got a little bit more 'mainstream' like Hanneli Mustaparta and those, BUT I can't help myself to look at Audreys photos at least once a week to remind myself where I came from, where I wanna go from here and where I want to be in a year...this is so important. Without her knowing Audrey taught me some lessons in being who I am and not hiding the real me,

 so THANK YOU for being such an inspiration! And for many years that are still to come... xo

(twitter: @audreykitching, instagram: akitching, blog:

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