Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015

Scrubbing The Day Away/ Product Review

Hey, sweeties!

Today I am going to write a little review about my favourite Peelings/Body Scrubs.
I love taking care of my body and skin. When I was younger, around 10 years old, I suffered from a slight case of atopic eczema, especially at the start of winter (when the season of the heater started) and actually also when at the start of spring, when the weather started to get warmer and I started sweating. It all ended through puberty and I am more than happy about it, I hated the rough skin on my elbows and knees back then.
Now I really take care of my skin. I use body lotion, either the typical one from Nivea or „The New Charity Pot“ by Lush Cosmetics, every day after showering. I lotion my face two times a day and my knees/elbows, when it feels necessary, in between. Also, I work as a nurse, which means, putting disinfectant probably more than hundred times in one shift on my hands. Of course that makes my hands super dry and the skin hates all the alcohol in the disinfectant. This is why I especially use hand lotion every few hours, to keep the skin on my hand hydrated.
I am really obsessed with having soft skin, probably because I got many compliments when I was 14, 15 years old about the softness of the skin of my arms and hands. Also, I am really lucky when it comes to the skin in my face. I just have minimal problems with the skin in my face, like black dots and a pimple every now and then and I suffer from terrible big pores, but other than that I am very lucky. My skin care is another topic that I might talk about in the future.

Today I am going to introduce you to my three favourite body peelings/ body scrubs. I tried A LOT in the past, often the small free samples I got, but the three following crossed my path and they are too good to not talk about them.

1. „MY body Meersalzpeeling Aroma Spa“ by Bipa (

I have to say that this peeling was one of the first peelings I’ve ever tried and I still love it. They sold it in a little different variation when I first tried it, with less essential oils in it, it was mostly pure salt back then, but I am not angry, about this change. This little magic pot is filled with the essential oils of menthol, rosemary, eucalyptus, and gives you an intense warming feeling and an aroma sensation. It removes death skin cells and encourages the blood flow. Native, essential oils leave your skin feeling soft and glowing.
It’s a really good cheap alternative, if you want to peel your skin, but don’t have super much money on the side. It just doesn’t nourish your skin that much, which left me searching for alternatives, because I got sick of lotioning my skin after doing a spa peeling, the whole essential oils plus lotion left my skin little bit oily afterwards, but without the lotion the skin somehow seemed dry and not nice the next day.
It is a good cheap alternative, but if I should recommend something, you should spend a little more money on one that leaves your skin and you happy. € 3.99

2. „You Snap The Whip“ Body Butter by Lush Cosmetics (

I tried this body butter the first time as a free sample when I bought my „Charity Pot“ one time. I tried it at home right away and fell in love.
This piece of art is sold as a body butter, but it is more like a peeling to the skin, a bar of charcoal and pumice filled with sweet-scented oils and luxurious butters. It srubs away any layers of death skin, while cocoa butter and macadamia nut oil nourishes the skin. Also it contains Cassis and the fruity smell of it reminds me of blueberries and I’m addicted to blueberries, that’s why I think I fell in love with it in first place, also because it nourishes the skin and leaves me smelling like blueberries!
On a negative note, it leaves your shower/bath tube super dirty, but with a little bit of water it washes off the remaining pieces of the butter pretty easy, but it leaves the shower very slippery, which makes it overall an dangerous experience.
What I simply love about Lush Cosmetics is that they don’t test on animals and all their products smell heavenly and I think they sell their stuff for a solid price (one bar lasts around 6 showers). € 10.95

3. „Original Coffee Scrub“ by frank (


One fact before I start talking about this scrub is that I have an unhealthy obsession with coffee, I drink at least 3-4 mugs of the black gold every day. There is nothing better in the morning than the aroma of fresh brewed coffee in the air, which brings me tot he most amazing body scrub I’ve ever tried and smelled.
The scrubs by Frank Body are made for everyone who likes or loves coffee or more the smell of it! When you open the bag fort he first time a big wave of coffee hits your nose.
I bought the „Original Coffee Scrub“, which is a special blend of coffee beans mixed with brown sugar and sea salt that peels off any death skin cells and moisturises and tones the skin with cold pressed sweet almond oil and uses vitamins & minerals to work its wonders. And it leaves you smelling good with a little essence of orange. This scrub targets dry skin, cellulite, stretch marks, psoriasis, varicose veins, eczema and acne.
Some of you might know that I lost a lot of weight last year (25kg/ 56lb) and my skin really took it good fort he most part, but I can’t blame it for the stretch marks I have. Also I had an operation and i fit does all these things, it might leave the scars a little lighter, we’ll see.
Frank is an Australian company, the products are vegan and not tested on animals. There are different kind of scrubs the company sells, if you wanna know more about each scrub head over to their website and read through the describtions, for me the original version oft he scrub seemed to be the most fitting one.
My experience so far (because that’s the peeling/scrub I use at the moment) is a very positive one!! I love the smell oft he scrub so much, my whole bathroom smelled like coffee and I love that I can also use it on the face. I put it on my hands while putting it on my body and washed my hands afterwards, the skin even after that few minutes was so soft and smelled nice. After the prescribed 10 minutes I washed it off and, oh my God, my skin felt amazing! It was so soft (actually for 2-3 days!) and smelled fantastic.
You can feel the oils on the skin, but I had no problems with putting on tights right after the srub.
Of all the peelings I tested, this one ist he one I would ALWAYS and forever recommend.
Do yourself a favour and try this one. 
Oh, and they ship for free, so there is no excuse not to buy it. € 11.00

Now, it’s time to follow my lead and get dirty in the shower and make your skin and you happy!
xoxo, Eva 

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