Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015

Berlin Fashion Week, Part II

Hey sweeties!

I am really sorry that part 2 of my post about the Fashion Week is just coming up now...the thing is, my life at the moment is super busy and this will probably the last post about the fashion week for a while. I know I was super excited about it before and it is a big part of the past that I blogged about each Fashion Week, but I kind of don't feel "it" anymore. I am not sure what the "it" is, but I feel that this blog is taking more and more a different direction and it doesn't feel right anymore to blog about stuff that is so far away from my personal life and stuff I don't have connecting points with.
I rather tell you about stuff I tried, experienced etc. than about fashion shows I never will attend, because I don't even have any interest in attending it.

So about the Fashion Week, Day 2 to 4; 20th to 22nd of January.... some really interesting stuff was going on and it would be a lie to tell that I've seen all designers, I've not even seen all I wanted to see.
Anyway, I was so excited for Lena Hoschek this time. And she blew me away, her prints were so floral and a lot of her designs had shades of blue in it and I loved it. This is one of her best years so far.

Another one that blew me literally away was REBEKKA RUÈTZ, the make-up of her models was simply phenomenal and her designs were over the moon. Of all the shows I've seen this year, I think her show was my favourite, I love the prints, I love the design and I absolutely adore the coat you see on the model on the left in the following photo:

Once again, can we talk about the amazing make-up?!!

There have been a few more outfits that caught my eye. Marc Cain had many, many pastel shades in his designs and his show seemed so light and like a free spirit and gave out a pretty positive and warm vibe.

I've noticed a lot of black and grey this year, so this Fall/Winter will be a dark one. Not that I can complain, I think black is the most beautiful shade of all.
 I hope you all like this post, eventhough this will be the last Fashion Week post in that form.Have a wonderful evening, babes! :)

xoxo Eva

Scrubbing The Day Away/ Product Review

Hey, sweeties!

Today I am going to write a little review about my favourite Peelings/Body Scrubs.
I love taking care of my body and skin. When I was younger, around 10 years old, I suffered from a slight case of atopic eczema, especially at the start of winter (when the season of the heater started) and actually also when at the start of spring, when the weather started to get warmer and I started sweating. It all ended through puberty and I am more than happy about it, I hated the rough skin on my elbows and knees back then.
Now I really take care of my skin. I use body lotion, either the typical one from Nivea or „The New Charity Pot“ by Lush Cosmetics, every day after showering. I lotion my face two times a day and my knees/elbows, when it feels necessary, in between. Also, I work as a nurse, which means, putting disinfectant probably more than hundred times in one shift on my hands. Of course that makes my hands super dry and the skin hates all the alcohol in the disinfectant. This is why I especially use hand lotion every few hours, to keep the skin on my hand hydrated.
I am really obsessed with having soft skin, probably because I got many compliments when I was 14, 15 years old about the softness of the skin of my arms and hands. Also, I am really lucky when it comes to the skin in my face. I just have minimal problems with the skin in my face, like black dots and a pimple every now and then and I suffer from terrible big pores, but other than that I am very lucky. My skin care is another topic that I might talk about in the future.

Today I am going to introduce you to my three favourite body peelings/ body scrubs. I tried A LOT in the past, often the small free samples I got, but the three following crossed my path and they are too good to not talk about them.

1. „MY body Meersalzpeeling Aroma Spa“ by Bipa (

I have to say that this peeling was one of the first peelings I’ve ever tried and I still love it. They sold it in a little different variation when I first tried it, with less essential oils in it, it was mostly pure salt back then, but I am not angry, about this change. This little magic pot is filled with the essential oils of menthol, rosemary, eucalyptus, and gives you an intense warming feeling and an aroma sensation. It removes death skin cells and encourages the blood flow. Native, essential oils leave your skin feeling soft and glowing.
It’s a really good cheap alternative, if you want to peel your skin, but don’t have super much money on the side. It just doesn’t nourish your skin that much, which left me searching for alternatives, because I got sick of lotioning my skin after doing a spa peeling, the whole essential oils plus lotion left my skin little bit oily afterwards, but without the lotion the skin somehow seemed dry and not nice the next day.
It is a good cheap alternative, but if I should recommend something, you should spend a little more money on one that leaves your skin and you happy. € 3.99

2. „You Snap The Whip“ Body Butter by Lush Cosmetics (

I tried this body butter the first time as a free sample when I bought my „Charity Pot“ one time. I tried it at home right away and fell in love.
This piece of art is sold as a body butter, but it is more like a peeling to the skin, a bar of charcoal and pumice filled with sweet-scented oils and luxurious butters. It srubs away any layers of death skin, while cocoa butter and macadamia nut oil nourishes the skin. Also it contains Cassis and the fruity smell of it reminds me of blueberries and I’m addicted to blueberries, that’s why I think I fell in love with it in first place, also because it nourishes the skin and leaves me smelling like blueberries!
On a negative note, it leaves your shower/bath tube super dirty, but with a little bit of water it washes off the remaining pieces of the butter pretty easy, but it leaves the shower very slippery, which makes it overall an dangerous experience.
What I simply love about Lush Cosmetics is that they don’t test on animals and all their products smell heavenly and I think they sell their stuff for a solid price (one bar lasts around 6 showers). € 10.95

3. „Original Coffee Scrub“ by frank (


One fact before I start talking about this scrub is that I have an unhealthy obsession with coffee, I drink at least 3-4 mugs of the black gold every day. There is nothing better in the morning than the aroma of fresh brewed coffee in the air, which brings me tot he most amazing body scrub I’ve ever tried and smelled.
The scrubs by Frank Body are made for everyone who likes or loves coffee or more the smell of it! When you open the bag fort he first time a big wave of coffee hits your nose.
I bought the „Original Coffee Scrub“, which is a special blend of coffee beans mixed with brown sugar and sea salt that peels off any death skin cells and moisturises and tones the skin with cold pressed sweet almond oil and uses vitamins & minerals to work its wonders. And it leaves you smelling good with a little essence of orange. This scrub targets dry skin, cellulite, stretch marks, psoriasis, varicose veins, eczema and acne.
Some of you might know that I lost a lot of weight last year (25kg/ 56lb) and my skin really took it good fort he most part, but I can’t blame it for the stretch marks I have. Also I had an operation and i fit does all these things, it might leave the scars a little lighter, we’ll see.
Frank is an Australian company, the products are vegan and not tested on animals. There are different kind of scrubs the company sells, if you wanna know more about each scrub head over to their website and read through the describtions, for me the original version oft he scrub seemed to be the most fitting one.
My experience so far (because that’s the peeling/scrub I use at the moment) is a very positive one!! I love the smell oft he scrub so much, my whole bathroom smelled like coffee and I love that I can also use it on the face. I put it on my hands while putting it on my body and washed my hands afterwards, the skin even after that few minutes was so soft and smelled nice. After the prescribed 10 minutes I washed it off and, oh my God, my skin felt amazing! It was so soft (actually for 2-3 days!) and smelled fantastic.
You can feel the oils on the skin, but I had no problems with putting on tights right after the srub.
Of all the peelings I tested, this one ist he one I would ALWAYS and forever recommend.
Do yourself a favour and try this one. 
Oh, and they ship for free, so there is no excuse not to buy it. € 11.00

Now, it’s time to follow my lead and get dirty in the shower and make your skin and you happy!
xoxo, Eva 

Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Berlin Fashion Week F/W 2015

Hey sweeties!

After an exhausting 12.5 hour working day at the ward I work at, I feel super tired. BUT nothing will stop me to check out what happened on the first day of the MBFW in Berlin that started today.

 My favourites of Day 1 - 19.01.2015:
Pearly Wong - Runway
Laurél - Runway
Augustin Teboul - Kronprinzenpalais
Honestly, I just checked a few minutes of each show out and the labels I named above looked beautiful and absolutely killed it, I can't wait to share a few pieces of their A/W lines with you later this week.

Anyway, I can't wait for the next few days and I'm really stocked what the other designers got in their pockets for us.
xoxo Eva

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

Collding Stars, Part II

Hey, sweeties! :)

As I told you in my last post I attended a local band contest, basically to support "Colliding Stars".
Unfortunately they lost and didn't get into the next round. I still have a lot of things to say about
First of all, they took my criticism from last time to heart and got sooo much better. Holy crap, I wanna give
them a pat on the back for it! The first thing I criticized last time was the lack of eye contact with the crowd - this time they all tried really hard and succeeded, Danny just lost the eye contact when they performed the two new songs, but I wanna really point out here that David, who plays bass, always kept eye contact and his eyes were wandering through the crowd constantly, which was amazing.
Also, last time I couldn't really understand the lyrics....and this is what makes me check out a band later, when I hear one line that really stays with me the whole night. Anyway, this time Danny did so much better, his voice was clear at all times and I almost understood every word he was singing.
I really don't know what happened with Dannys voice since last September, but I absolutely love it!! His voice now got kind of rougher, but it really fits him and I have to say that it makes the songs much more interesting.
Of course there are always things lacking and as I already said in my last post, no musician is perfect. But I have to say that the drummer, Simon, kind of lacked in enthusiasm. I have drummers like Travis Barker of Blink-182 in mind here, killing it....he just seemed too concentrated and seemed to lack fun. Maybe I am wrong and I really hope that I am wrong, because fun is what it is about in the end. Another thing what was a pain in my eye that they didn't really run around or jump around on stage...I mean, it was MUCH BETTER than in September, they were at least moving around a little bit this time, still they could do so much more, because there are super long parts in the songs where no lyric is sung, so they could easily go crazy on stage.
This time they played two new songs and I always forget the names of new songs, when I don't have them written up and I am so sorry about it. But the second new song they played (the name of it has something to do with a hotel in Ireland, I think?) reminded me a lot of "Lost In Stereo" by my favourite band All Time Low, especially the opening riff of the song. It was definitely my highlight of the night.

Later me and Laura (a close friend of mine who went with me to the concert) had a really nice talk with Danny and he told us that he wrote the lyrics for their first EP when he was around 13 years old. Can you believe that?! How amazing is that?!! I can't remember what I was thinking with thirteen, but I guess it wasn't anything lyrically or emotionally deep or good. Also he told us that he doesn't like their EP as much as he did at the start, because he's thinking different of things now than he did with thirteen, obviously. But that's what I was gonna say to him anyway, that they should re-do their EP, because Dannys voice changed so much (to the better) that he now sounds completely different than he did back then.
I really can't wait for the new songs to be recorded and published, because they will bring Colliding Stars to a new level.
Which brings me to a very sad fact....they might have to change their band might think now "What is happening?" and honestly me and Laura felt the same, when we heard it. Ok, there is a story behind it. Gary (I don't know if this is how his name is written), a band member, left the band....or they kicked him out...I guess both is true and he now says that they can't keep the name "Colliding Stars", because he (Gary) was involved in the project "Colliding Stars" from the start and he doesn't want them to keep performing with that name.
All I can say is...that this is a big piece of CRAP!!!!!! A band that is already known, a little bit, under a name should never EVER (excuse all the capital letters) change their band name!!!!
GARY, SUCK IT UP and let it go! You are no part of "Colliding Stars" anymore, so shut up!
To the rest of the band, if you're reading this, please stick to your band name! To me personally it is a wonderful band name, a special one and I think it really suits you guys - don't change it at all!!

Alright, this is it. My gossip about a local concert and OMG can you believe that the Fashion Week in Berlin starts tomorrow?!! I feel so stressed. So much blogging to do now, haha
xoxo Eva

Freitag, 16. Januar 2015

Local Band/ Colliding Stars

Hey, sweeties!

Today I really wanna talk to you about a band called "Colliding Stars". you might know, I am all about the music scene and supporting local bands.
It all started when I was 15 years or something like that. I love exploring the music scene and finding
new music, even better when the band plays anything in the Alternative Rock or Pop Punk/ Punk Rock
But who are Collding Stars?
They are three young musicians basically from the suburbs of the capital of Austria/Europe.
Formed in 2013, they released their first EP 'Open The Sky' - it reached 1# on the Austrian iTunes Rock Album Charts on the first day and 25# in the overall Album Charts. Which is freakin' amazing for a 
little band. They say that Biffy Clyro, Foo Fighters, Billy Talent and Bad Suns are their influences ( In my opinion, they really remind me of 
All Time Low in a cute way. They try really hard and in my opinion they still have a lot to learn, many
concerts to play until they are anywhere near their heroes. But before you're telling me that I should stop talking just negative things...there are many positive ones; all of them can play their instruments actually really good, they know what they are doing. Also, Danny, the lead singer, has a very special singing voice.
I don't think you've ever heard a voice like that. It took me some time to really get used to it...and at first to be honest I thought it was horrible, but then I realised that every note, every line in the song is so much
on point and that he has actually a great voice.
Which brings me to the fact that after the first time I've seen them live a few negative things about them acting on stage stung in my eye and I couldn't do anything else that writing them what they could improve.
There is always things to improve, I don't think any musician is perfect. They all fuck-up,
they all play wrong chords or forget their own lyrics. But hey, that's human...and I rather watch a band
play their own instruments and sing the songs they wrote themselves, that a band that was formed by a music management just for commercial purposes.
You can check them out here:
I will go to one of their concerts tonight, it's a band contest and I'm rather excited. I really hope that they took just one thing I told them to heart and try to do it like I told them. I know what I'm talking about...eventhough it might seem a little weird. But I had enough contact and interaction with musicians to know what it is all about.
Hope you're all having a wonderful day/evening!
xoxo Eva

Welcome to my YouTube channel!

Hey, sweeties! 

Yes, it is true! I made my own YouTube Channel, also I made my first video, which is kind of a warm welcome to my life.
It was a hard decision to start a YouTube channel. Why? Because I am really insecure when it comes to myself in videos. I don't mind sitting here behind the screen talking/writing about what is going on, but when I know that I don't know how many of you are watching just makes me wanna hide in a corner.
Anyway, please check it out:
I would love to hear how you guys like it! Comment, like, do whatever you think is necessary.

xoxo Eva

Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015

Sale/ Winter 2k15

Hey, sweeties!

I wanna add quickly here, how massive the SALE this season is. The labels are throwing some good stuff
right into our faces and we would be dumb if we wouldn't take an opportunity like that. This time (and that is new) I tried to find just a few of the best sale objects in my eyes from all different price categories; there is not just the "normal" stuff from Zara etc., this time you'll also find my favourites by more expensive designers, f.e. Nanette Lepore. I hope you like this small change, I really like it. Small reminder, there is SO MUCH MORE hidden in between rubbish and trashy stuff they sell us. Happy Shopping!!

xoxo, Eva 

Pleated Mini Skirt by Forever21, found on:

$ 23.00 (such a good deal, it doesn't need a sale)










 Shirt with a crossed back by Zara, found on:

$35.50 $23.60










Wool Coat by MANGO, found on:

$82.79 $59,13












TIP-OFF PANT by Nanette Lepore, found on:

 $298.00 $149.00






  Quilted Eyelets Small Nomad by Marc Jacobs, found on:


$1,495.00 $897.00

Hello, 2k15! Hello, upcoming Fashion Week!

Hey, sweeties!

I know it has been a while since I last blogged and I am so sorry that I was M.I.A. for so long!! But...
Maybe you're interested in my personal life, maybe not, BUT life wasn't easy...but I guess that's just how it is. Life is not meant to be easy. Also, if I were honest, I would be completely bored if life kept running smoothly all the time.
Anyways, I am back for more. It is less than a week to the Mercedes Benz FASHION WEEK in Berlin and I couldn't be more excited. I am so stocked for what is in for this fall. Keep expecting for a few inside scoops on the fashion week and as you already know, my favourites of the shows. Maybe I'll find out some gossip...all I can say is, look at the front row and you know what is up.
By looking at the front row you know what is happening with a label, who is sitting there and for what purpose? I still remember the year when fashion blogger were sitting in front rows, bless them, but I doubt any of them could afford a proper dress from a good designer. I want to see the A-celebrities in the front rows, no B- or C-celebrities. But let's be honest... the financial crisis hits us all and some labels seem not to be able anymore to afford a good walking advertisement.
So, enough punches were made here, you'll hear from me.

xoxo, Eva

P.s. Also, I decided to keep on blogging in English, because the majority of my readers on here is not from German speaking countries and I expect everyone that is from Germany or Austria to know so much English to understand what I am talking about, love you all...really.