Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

What's shaking my life so far this WEEK...

 This kind of bun will always be on my TO DO - list of things I wanna do/try this autumn.
I bet my hair is still too short for a massive bow like this on the photo, but I'll try.
I'll show all of you my results when I did it...

I have found the absolute IT PIECE for this autumn, those shoes on the left I've found on tumblr and they are so pretty.
They sum up everything I like.
Smooth leather with stripes and canvas and the shape is in this months 'ELLE' magazine aswell.

Not to forget those skirts....
one thing:

Freitag, 24. August 2012

Friendship is the most important thing in life! :3

Tunesia, Africa

Between Thank You and Surviving Life

I can't believe a whole month passed since my last post.
This time I have finished my master work, visited another continent and relaxed a lot.
My mind is in a different place and I think it will show through my future outfit posts.

This year started off difficult, because I had a long low and had problems with balancing school, social life and this blog, so I disappeared and found myself in the middle of nowhere (I'll post a photo later - you will understand it then) and now I am back.
Happier than ever, more relaxed than ever, full of energy, positivity and life.

I feel like this is the beginning of a great autumn and I can't wait for it, I feel like I can bare
with everything.
 For a 19 year old, I have been through a lot of hard times in the past, but I am at a point of my life
right now where I can say that it is just the past.
My life showed me a lot of amazing opportunities and I took them, which lead me to meet some lovely people.

So even after one month of non-blogging I see that a lot more of you than I'd expected still read
my posts and I feel honoured. THANK YOU so much for reading my blog.
I try my best to express what I am trying to say in nice words.

Each and everyone of you is so amazing and I wouldn't wanna miss one of you!
So if you read this, you are amazing! 

Practical training starts again next week and I am back now!
I am back for an autumn with you full of horrible clothes and blogging bliss! :)