Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

Back online...Mercedes Benz Fashion Week

I'm back online to tell you about some sweet things about the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week S/S are a few looks I have picked that kind of sum up everything. If you wanna see all looks,
go on:

Patrick Mohr (

Andy Wolf Eyewear (

Twenty(2)Too (

Barre Noire (

Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012


Thanks to Iris for this lovely present!


Home until Sunday, happiest.
  • blue/white patterned blouse
  • jeans skirt
  • black flats
  • leather key necklace
  • black leather bag
  • vintage ring

coldest day of this week

On Wednesday it was the coldest day of this week so far and from what I've read in the newspapers  it is going to be the only milder day in the next week. Gah, the heat is killing me!!!
  • black tank top
  • white/blue/brown squared bermudas
  • black flats
  • black leather bag
  • golden vintage peace necklace
  • neon green headphones

blurry day

On Tuesday there was the BIGGEST thunderstorm I've ever seen. It was raining like crazy and the hail was so huge.
The day started with such a hot weather, but around 5 p.m. it got so bad.
I literally ran home to not get caught by the rain because I was just wearing sandals!
  • blue/white striped dress
  • key necklace
  • black leather bag
  • vintage ring
  • black sandals

Over 40° = lightweight materials

I refuse wearing more than a dress when it is this warm. I am melting!To School on Monday:
  • flowery summer dress
  • black leather bag
  • leather key necklace
  • light leather sandals
  • vintage ring

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012

I'm keeping you updated about my thoughts to the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin...there are still two days to be solved and I bet the really good design and the highlights are yet to come.

Ok, I want you to know someone... Call me crazy, call me names, but this man is the coolest guy on earth...RICK GENEST.
He'll take over our sweet world and it just will rule!


We are in the middle of this seasons Berlin Fashion Week and I ran through blogs etc. to let you know what I saw and what I like and wanna keep.
Let's start with beautiful LENA HOSCHEK - her mexican make-up was the most to-see thing that ever happened on a catwalk. It was just perfect and the whole collection is wearable. THUMBS UP!
So after this positive example let's go on to a negative: REBEKKA RUÈTZ ...I liked her, I really did. But this season her outfits look quite boring and they look like we've already seen them, oh yeah, in previous seasons. Sorry about my opinion, but I just can't help myself.

I wanna introduce you to CHRISTIAN DEERBERG - one of the most stunning, most talented male models out there. I am normally not the person that says that aloud, but this guy is just smoking hot and his photos are just a dream/pleasure. He already worked with Alexander McQueen, Barutti, Hugo Boss, Marlboro, Mustang, Puma, Replay (to name a few) and he is only 26 years old yet and I can tell there is a lot more to come. So, remember his name, I think we'll hear about him a lot more in the (near) future!